Become a Chamber Sponsor, buy an ad in our Weekly Newsletter or update your listing in the Business Directory
Newsletter Ads
Dropped into members’ in-boxes each Friday afternoon, the newsletter is features items of interest to the NWT business community. A weekly survey of members on a topical issue is also featured. As you can see from the attached sample newsletter, there are two locations for advertisers. It really depends on your ad's shape.
On a desktop, the horizontal is roughly double the size of the square format in pixels (500px by 1,500px at 72dpi), but on a mobile phone, the square version (500px by 500px at 72dpi) takes up more visual real-estate than the horizontal.
So both sell for the same rate: $150 for one week, $125 each for two weeks, and only $100 a week for campaigns booked for longer than that.

Sponsorhip Packages

The NWT Chamber is a respected and welcome business lobby organization in the North. We run lean, with one full-time employee, but still have budgetary needs that can exceed the total of annual dues payments from members. Also, as opposed to our friends at the Yellowknife Chamber, reps from organization need to travel to regional centres each year to meet with members and business leaders.
Please consider supporting the work of the NWT Chamber with an annual sponsorship, advertsing in the weekly newsletter, or supporting one of our events through the year.
Diamond Sponsor
As the sole Diamond sponsor, you will be proudly recognized as our title sponsor with the most prominent placing and size of logo on our Sponsors’ Area of our website, advertising, newsletter, E-Blasts, signage and verbal acknowledgement with every promotion and event put on by the NWT Chamber. Sponsor will be provided with two complimentary passes to any of the NWT Chamber’s in-person or online events and a selection of NWT Chamber branded merchandise as desired.
Request: $10,000 per year
Gold Sponsor
As one of potentially three sponsors, you will be solidly recognized as a Cobalt sponsor on our website, advertising, newsletter, E-Blasts; signage and verbal acknowledgement with every promotion and event put on by the NWT Chamber. Sponsor will be provided with two complimentary passes to any of the NWT Chamber’s in-person or online events and a selection of NWT Chamber branded merchandise as available.
$5,000/each per year
Copper Sponsor
As one of potentially five sponsors, you will be recognized as our sponsor with slightly more modest logo size in our Sponsors’ Area of our website, e-blasts, newsletter, and signage. Sponsor will be provided with one complimentary pass to each of the NWT Chamber’s events throughout the year.
$1,000/each per year

Keep your Directory Listing up to date!
Studies have shown consumers have a higher level of trust in a business who has taken the time and paid the price to become a Chamber member. You can show your membership with our supplied digital sticker on you website, or print off a Membership Certificate you’ve been sent and put it in a frame!
Our enhanced online directory provides the opportunity to link your social media pages and include a description of your business, including a photo, hours of operation along with keywords. You can update your listing at will, just by signing in.